7 Keys to Meaningful Study

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To truly harness the power of study, we must uncover the keys that lead to meaningful and effective learning. In this article, we unveil five invaluable tips that will transform your study sessions and propel you towards outstanding results.

Embarking on the journey of learning is a pursuit of knowledge, growth, and academic excellence. However, every student eventually realizes that mere hours of passive reading won’t unlock the door to success in examinations. To truly harness the power of study, we must uncover the keys that lead to meaningful and effective learning. In this article, we unveil five invaluable tips that will transform your study sessions and propel you towards outstanding results. From cultivating consistency to embracing creative memory aids, these keys will unlock your full potential and pave the way to a fulfilling and successful educational journey. So, let’s unlock the doors to academic triumph and discover the art of meaningful study.


Make sure you read your books every day. By this I mean you must cultivate the habit of personal study. If all you do everyday is listen to teachers teach you and you don’t take personal time to study and reflect on what you’ve been taught, you will not learn much.


Studying is different from mere reading. When you study, you stop reading after a few pages and test yourself to see how much you can remember out of what you have read so far. You can do this by writing them down. Then read again to capture some of the points that you missed during your first reading.


It is good to convert the things written in your notebooks to questions. For example, if you read the following in your notebook, “dogs are mammals,” to convert it to question, you may write something like, “what class of animals are dogs?” Do this for every of your notebooks and keep doing it as your teacher gives you new things to write in your notebooks.   After the test, open your school notebook and mark your own script. Then, go back to your class notebook and read the answers you got wrong all over again. The idea is to always be ready in case your teacher comes up with a sudden test in class any day.

4) Make use of past questions

It is a good idea to get past questions of the examination you are preparing for. Sometimes these are available for sale, if you are fortunate to get the marking scheme, it will guide you to what is expected by the examinaer.

5) Relate to real life

Many of the things you will be taugth in school have relevance in real life situtations. So, try to relate them to situations around you. This will help your memory. For example, if you were taugth the colours of the rainbow in any subject; the next time you see a rainbow in the sky, make efforts to identify the colours as you were taught in school


However, take note of all the things you don’t understand and seek clarification from your mates who understand. Don’t ignore any topic that you don’t understand; seek help early. It is important that you learn to retain definitions and formulae in your memory.


When you have some definitions or formulae that refuse to stick into your mind, you may copy them on a piece of paper and glue it to a wall in your bedroom or on the wall next to your study table so that you are forced to look at them on a daily basis. Better still, you may turn them into songs since songs are easier to remember.


In the pursuit of academic excellence, meaningful study is the key that unlocks the door to knowledge and success. Mere reading alone won’t suffice; consistency, active engagement, and self-assessment are the vital ingredients for fruitful learning. As students, we must cultivate the habit of personal study, dedicating ourselves to not only absorb information but also to test our understanding. Converting class notes into questions and seeking answers enhances our grasp of the subject matter, preparing us for any unexpected challenges. Past examination papers offer valuable insights, while relating our studies to real-life situations deepens our understanding and memory retention.

Additionally, let’s not hesitate to seek help from our peers whenever we encounter difficulties, for learning is a collective journey. Embracing visuals, such as notes on our walls or turning concepts into catchy songs, can be surprisingly effective aids in memory retention. As we incorporate these five keys to meaningful study into our academic routine, we equip ourselves with the tools to excel not only in exams but also in the lifelong pursuit of knowledge. So, let’s embark on this transformative journey of learning, armed with dedication, curiosity, and a passion for meaningful study.

Culled out from ‘Hi! Im a Schoolgirl’ by Jadesola Adepeju

Hi! I’m a School Girl – Jadesola Adepeju

Original price was: ₦3,500.00.Current price is: ₦3,000.00.

A schoolgirl often encounters a lot of frustrations and to cap it up, she feels people do not understand her. Captivating from the beginning to the end, this book deals with relationships with classmates, guys, parents and even with God; it lays a good foundation for a young girls’ start-out in life.

Jadesola Adepeju

Jadesola Adepeju

Jadesola is a Christian missionary, counsellor and writer. She firmly supports her husband in their ministry to young people.

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