The Christian Student in Missions: Embracing the Noble Call

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Undoubtedly, missions represent a noble call, bestowed by the Lord Jesus Christ himself: "As the Father has sent me, so send I you" (John 20:21). He also commanded, '… go and make disciples of all nations…' (Matthew 28:18-20).

Missions! That term, sounding almost sacred, appears to be a calling for the profoundly spiritual and nearly flawless individuals. There is an assumption at times that involvement in missionary activity implies a substandard lifestyle, where one is not even allowed to practice their primary profession. Consequently, only the overly pious seem fit for it. Such notions cloud the minds of numerous young people, with some hesitating to attend a missions’ conference for fear of hearing a call to missionary service they’d rather avoid.

Undoubtedly, missions represent a noble call, bestowed by the Lord Jesus Christ himself: “As the Father has sent me, so send I you” (John 20:21). He also commanded, ‘… go and make disciples of all nations…’ (Matthew 28:18-20). This mandate is not exclusive; it is for all followers of Jesus. It is anticipated that a genuine follower of Jesus will respond with joy and enthusiasm to this command. Therefore, it is a noble call extended to all His followers, a true test of one’s adherence to Him. If you are unwilling to take this command seriously, question your commitment as a follower of Christ. However, assuming you are a sincere follower, that’s likely why you’ve read this article thus far.

If missions is a directive for all followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, how then should you, as a student, go about fulfilling this mandate? Initially, being a student might seem like an obstacle, but upon closer inspection, it becomes an advantage. The campus environment brings together people from various nations, providing you with access to them—some as classmates, others as lecturers, and some as hallmates.

Begin your outreach there. Target them, express love and kindness to make them open to you. Pray that God removes any veils covering their hearts, hindering them from receiving the good news. Be vigilant for opportunities to share the gospel, and when the moment arises, boldly preach the GOSPEL!

Being a student also opens doors to other opportunities. Strive to be an excellent student, and postgraduate studies become an option after graduation. Actively seek admission for further studies in places where the gospel is not well established. This opportunity allows you to showcase the beauty of Jesus Christ among future leaders of that nation. Like Daniel and his classmates who displayed the glory of their God, your light can shine through, attracting many to Christ.

Another way to contribute to missions as a student is through intercession for the nations’ harvest. Make it a daily prayer that God raises missionaries to bring the gospel to unreached places. Stay informed about global events to guide your prayers.

Since God expects you to demonstrate your love through obedience, especially in spreading the gospel worldwide, prepare yourself for His use. Equip yourself by thoroughly studying the Bible, leaving no part unfamiliar.

Get involved with a missions agency like CMF. This keeps you connected to the mission’s vision and provides opportunities for short-term missionary visits during holidays. The agency can also link you with missionaries to support through prayer and provide up-to-date prayer requests.

In conclusion, involvement in missions is not reserved for the perfect; it is for those who love Jesus and rely on His grace. Responding to missions, they experience the reality of “lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). It is this promised presence of Jesus that accomplishes great things through the lives of those engaged in missions. Join the ranks of those achieving great exploits for God.

Jadesola Adepeju

Jadesola Adepeju

Jadesola is a Christian missionary, counsellor and writer. She firmly supports her husband in their ministry to young people.

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