Five Keys to Friendship Appraisal

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The influence of your friends is significant, prompting the need for a wise person to regularly assess the impact of their friendships. Continuous evaluation of your associations is essential.

Friends play a crucial role in shaping your path to greatness in life. The influence of your friends is significant, prompting the need for a wise person to regularly assess the impact of their friendships. Continuous evaluation of your associations is essential.

1) Define the Purpose of the Relationship

Identify the purpose of your friendship. Some friends may serve as study partners or sources of relaxation. Most importantly, friends often act as counsellors, influencing crucial decisions in your life.

2) Value-Adding Character Development

Reconsider the status of your friendship if it fails to contribute positively to your character development. If the primary focus is gossip rather than personal growth, it’s not a worthwhile friendship. Taking decisive steps to reduce intimacy in such relationships is necessary.

3) Academic Impact

Monitor the impact of your friendships on academic performance. If your grades decline after forming a particular friendship, assess whether it is coincidental or a result of your association. If spending time with a friend distracts you from your studies, consider ending the friendship to refocus on your goals.

4) Respect for Values

Evaluate friendships where your expressions of respect for God are met with ridicule. If your friend encourages a casual attitude towards wrongdoing, especially if you can evade consequences, it’s time to reconsider the friendship.

5) Conscience Comfort

Sever ties with friends who lead you into activities that conflict with your conscience. If you find yourself hesitating to disagree with their wrong choices, breaking up with them becomes essential.


Friends often serve as trusted advisors when decisions need to be made. While considering their advice, ensure it aligns with sensible reasoning and doesn’t conflict with your moral compass or biblical principles.

Jadesola Adepeju

Jadesola Adepeju

Jadesola is a Christian missionary, counsellor and writer. She firmly supports her husband in their ministry to young people.

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